The National Trade Unions Confederation of of Moldova (NTUCM) and the State Labour Inspectorate (SLI) signed Tuesday, November 18, 2014 a Cooperation Agreement, stipulating the improvement of their activity in the field of labour relations and the implementation of the labour, security and labour health legislation.
According to the Agreement, the parties will consult on the settlement of issues, which might appear in the result of the implementation and application of the labour regulatory acts.
President of NTUCM Oleg Budza mentioned the importance of the existence of a tight cooperation between the Trade Unions’ Labour Inspectorate and the SLI, because both of them have the same goal – the fight against the informal economy.
„In the result of the two structures cooperation, a lot of good things have been made, inclusively, on the territory. The trade unions fight for the protection of employees, especially, for their security and health at their place of work. Therefore, we should insist on the application of more severe sanctions for the employers not observing the said labour conditions”, the trade union leader stated.
Within the same context, Director of SLI Dumitru Stăvilă appreciated the support of NTUCM, concerning the promotion of good practices in the fight against the informal economy and also the organisation of different general actions, although no Cooperation Agreement was signed till present.
„It is necessary to share information on the results of the supervision of labour relations, security and labour health, inclusively, data on the produced labour accidents, as well as, to take into account the foreign practices of labour inspection”, Stăvilă specified.
The Agreement also stipulates the cooperation for the elimination of the non-operational provisions, which are part of the legislative and regulatory acts in the field of labour relations and also the formulation of proposals, concerning the modification or completion of the respective legislation.
NTUCM’s Informational Department