Tuesday, June 7, on the Day of trade unionists, European Police Union (EPU) and the Trade Union “Demnitate” held in Chisinau an international conference “Ensuring and compliance of socio-economic rights of policemen in the period of radical change.”
The conference was attended by the representatives of trade unions from 12 countries of the European Union, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova (MAI) and the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM), representatives of the General Police Inspectorate of MAI and other social partners.
The conference aimed to strengthen European trade union movement in order to ensure social and economic rights of policemen in the context of increased professional risk.
Mihail Laşcu, president of the Trade Union “Demnitate”, said that through this conference, trade unions in our country intend to align with European standards in the field of socio-economic protection of policemen and share experience with the European colleagues.
Gerrit van de Kamp, chairman of EPU stressed that currently the situation regarding security is very complicated in the European Union, being fuelled by the crisis of migrants and radicalization of ideological trends and this has generated a number of major risks which the policeman must face.
“To ensure the security of citizens in the EU it should be more collaboration with the authorities, social partners from different countries, and such meetings help to facilitate this dialogue extremely important for all of us”, emphasized Gerrit van de Kamp.
“We have a very good cooperation with trade unions. Thanks to joint efforts, in recent years we have succeeded in implementing of a series of reforms that led to the improvement of working conditions of the policemen, and this process must be continued “, said Alexandru Jizdan Minister of Internal Affairs of Moldova.
In this context, Oleg Budza, president of CNSM welcomed the fact that the conference is organized in Moldova, within the Labour Institute, and expressed hope that the meeting will foster new social dialogue in the branch.
Those present also discussed the standards of policemen equipment in Europe, the challenges in their work, ways to minimize occupational risk factors.
Finally, the participants adopted a resolution stating that the EPU wants to strengthened social dialogue at European level based on common standards for training, equipment, protection and social benefits granted to policemen.
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Department of mass-media and international relations