
Message from the President of the NCTUM, Oleg Budza, on the Trade Unionist` Day



Dear trade union members, brothers and sisters,

On the occasion of Trade Unionist` Day, traditionally celebrated on 7 June with trade union demonstrations in the national movement, I have the great honor to address to You with a message.

The trade unions from the Republic of Moldova have an enough rich and interesting history, it consists of facts which must be knewby today’s young generation,the history of the most courageous union leaders,who founded the professional unions in the early nineteenth century, defending the rights of the working class.The struggle for social interests at work, devotion and sacrifice for the most vulnerable – all these characterized the leaders of those times. We, the union members pay homage to them and it is our duty to continue their noble cause.

The trade union family as the most representative segment of civil society, with over 450 thousand union members defends with dignity the socio-economic interests and rights of employees, promotes the principle of social equality and democratic values for the prosperity of our country towards its way to the European integration. An important role in promoting social policies is played by the union leaders of primary organizations, by the union activists from the territorial, branch and national structures, by the Women’s Council, Youth Council and collectives institutions subordinated to NCTUM. Their contribution to strengthening the trade union movement, to promote the principles of trade unionism, the protection of employees, of the dignity and fairness of labor, the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms is huge and highly appreciated.

On the occasion of this day, I address with great esteem to the union veterans who have brought over the years their enormous contribution to strengthening the trade union movement, writing its history through concrete activities.

On behalf of the National Confederation of Trade Unions from Moldova, I bring a word of gratitude and thanksgiving to the trade union members, to all working people for the everyday hard work directed for the creation of the national wealth and prosperity of the country.

Congratulations to all, wishing you health, successes in building a democratic and European, integral and free Moldova.

Yours faithfully,

Oleg BUDZA, President of the NCTUM