Esteemed union members, workers, officials, brothers and sisters,
On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity of Workers – 1 May, I am pleased and I have the responsibility to address myself to You.
1 May embodies itself the past, present and future. Being celebrated since 1889, this holiday was obtained with great sacrifices by the workers’ trade union movements, protests and strikes. The fight for reduced working hours and for obtaining the preset number of days of leave, which is the origin of the significance of 1 May, as the international workers’ holiday, has costhuman lives. With the passage of time, 1 May became the feast of labor in most countries of the world.
Over the years, this historic symbol the day of 1 May has become distorted by the propaganda of political systems. Practically everyone was required to participate in the grand parades, chanting slogans and to carry huge placards.
After the proclamation of the Republic of Moldova independence, the propaganda importance of this celebration was minimized and it was began its return to the original significance.
After the Republic of Moldova trade unions declared their independence, they truly contribute to the defense of the professional, social and economic interest of the employees. This meant that the trade unions could no longer be overlooked or directed by the state. The independent position of the trade unions began to be heard and taken into consideration. Due to the insistence of trade unions, were resolved a number of issues related to employees’ salary increase, creation of safe working conditions with high security, improving the legal framework for social protection.
Unfortunately, I can state that in recent years, the political parties in the Republic of Moldova have begun to use this day of 1 May in order to obtain political capital, holding demonstrations of their members and supporters, ignoring completely the origin and significance of 1 May. This day belongs historicallyto those who work and demand respect for fundamental rights, but not to politicians.
In this day of 1 May, I would like first to turn our thoughts to those who founded the trade union movement and wrote the history of the trade unions risking their lives by deeds whose echo we feel even today.
On behalf of the National Confederation of Trade Unions, I bring the message of gratitude and the thanksgiving word to the trade union members and to the working people for the dedication and effort shown in building the national wealth. I convey my congratulations to all, wishing them success, prosperity, welfare and to continue together the work for a democratic and prosperous Moldova in the European family.
Oleg Budza, president of the National Confederation of Trade Unions from Moldova