Moldova ranked 71th place of 128 countries of the world in the “Social progress index 2017″, recently developed by the US Social Progress Imperative organization.
The Social Progress Index assesses the main factors that reflect the welfare of a country: access to health, housing, nutrition, care, information and education, respect of human rights and freedoms, tolerance and social inclusion.
According to the Social Progress Imperative, while GDP reflects the quality of life in a country, the Social Progress Index reflects the state of a society, assessed on the basis of several social indicators focused on a person’s basic needs, quality of life, and opportunities for development.
According to the study, the best situation in Moldova is attained in the chapter on access to information and communications (51 place); access to basic medical services (48); freedom of association (42); personal security (41); women’s access to education (36).
At the same time, the greatest shortcomings are recorded in the chapter on accessibility of the purchase of a house (122); limited personal liberties (121); serious difficulties in terms of the quality of the environment and its protection (119); tolerance and social inclusion (109); GDP per capita (95); corruption (93); religious tolerance (92); access to drinking water in the countryside (85).
Study data show that similar indices to those in Moldova were registered in countries like Pakistan, Honduras, Myanmar, Mauritania, Yemen, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire.
“Social progress index 2017″, Top 10 countries looks like the following: Denmark (1), Finland (2), Iceland (3), Norway (4), Switzerland (5), Canada (6), Netherlands (7), Sweden (8), Australia (9), New Zealand (10).
We mention that in 2016, Moldova ranked the 72nd position in the Social Progress Index.
Full study data can be analyzed here.
Department of mass media and international relations