
On the 7th of June trade union members celebrate the Day of the trade unionist



Tuesday, June 7, on the occasion of marking the Day of trade unionist across the country have been organized a series of events and information campaigns on the work and role of the trade union movement in Moldova.

Thus, the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) held a special meeting in the House of Trade Unions, with the participation of trade union leaders all over the country. In the same time, trade unionists have organized a public information campaign in the Public Garden “Stefan cel Mare” in Chisinau.

The Day of the trade unionist is marked already for nine years, after the two national inter-branch trade union centres have adopted on the 7th of June 2007 the historic decision of reunification of the trade union movement in the country, through their merger and the creation of a single centre – National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova.

Trade union solidarity, promotion of the basic principles of the European social model, strengthening workers’ organizations, development of social dialogue, achieving social justice and the dignity of work are some of the factors of prime importance of the trade union activity.

“National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova is recognized as one of the main actors of civil society, it is the only institution that truly represents and protects at national level the social, economic, labour and professional rights and interests of its members, contributes to the development of social dialogue and achievement of social justice, dignity and fairness at work,” said Oleg Budza, president of CNSM.

“Independent trade unions of Moldova have proved their legitimacy through concrete activities aimed for the good of the worker. We’ve got workers’ gratitude and the well-deserved place in society through hard work of all trade unionists,” said the trade union leader.

Oleg Budza pointed out that trade union structures of all levels have gained good experience in legal rights to defending the interests of working people, in creation of decent working conditions and rest, in optimizing the relationships trade unions – social partners at national and territorial level, in professional training.

According to the president of CNSM, social and economic protection of employees, trade union members, is placed in the foreground, to contribute through social dialogue to promote the rights and interests of employees in our country.

“The next period is characterized by the fact of organizing next year of the III rd Congress of CNSM. This requires an active mobilization of our forces, from the primary trade union organization to national trade union structures in fulfilling all the commitments made through the CNSM Strategy for the years 2012-2017,” said the president of CNSM.

The trade unionists announced that they will continue negotiations with the government to increase wages, demand compliance with the rules of occupational safety and health, to tighten sanctions in order to reduce the informal economy and to apply EU Directives in OSH field.

The National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova is the only inter-branch trade union centre, which comprises over 400 thousand members from 27 national-branch trade union centres. Among them are workers from education, science, information technology and media, agriculture and food, social assistance and production of goods, communications, construction, light industry, consumer cooperation, trade and entrepreneurship, chemical industry and energy resources, collaborators of the system from the MIA, state institutions and many other branches.

In February 2010, CNSM has joined the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), which brings together 311 national trade union centres from 155 countries and regions with a total number of 175 million members.

Short history:

Trade unions are organizations set up to protect and promote the professional, economic, social, cultural and sport interests of their members, namely their rights under labour legislation and employment contracts.

For the first time trade unions have emerged in Britain, where in 1868 was created the trade union organization Trade Union Congress. Gradually, trade unions have spread widely throughout the world.

In Moldova, the first professional unions were created during the first bourgeois democratic revolution of 1905-1907. The first who joined trade unions were builders, tailors, shoemakers, railwaymen, metalworkers and agricultural workers.

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Department of mass-media and international relations