
Recommendations on ensuring the rights and interests of employees, in the context of the epidemiological situation in the country


In the context of the epidemiological situation in the country and in order to ensure respect for the rights and interests of the employees, the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova recommends the following:
Recommendations on the employment relationships:
1. Examining by the parties of the possibility of providing work at home (according to art. 290 of the Labor Code);
2. Establishing, with the written agreement of the employee, the individualized work programs, with a flexible working time regime (according to art. 100 paragraph (7) of the Labor Code);
3. Establishing, with the agreement of both parties, the part-time work (according to art. 97 of the Labor Code), the employees being remunerated in proportion to the time worked or according to the volume of work performed;
4. Registering of the stay at the unit (according to art. 801 of the Labor Code), the employees being remunerated according to art. 801 paragraph (2) of the Labor Code. According to the legal norm concerned, the remuneration of the stationary time produced by causes that do not depend on the employer or employee, except for the period of technical unemployment (art.80), shall be at least 2/3 of the basic salary per unit of time fixed to the employee, but not less than the size of a minimum wage per unit of time, established by the legislation in force, for each hour of stay;
5. Granting of the employees (based on a written request) the annual rest leave (according to art. 112 of the Labor Code), including the unused annual rest holidays (according to art. 119 paragraph (3) of the Labor Code), with the payment of the holiday allowance according to art. 117 of the Labor Code;
6. Granting of the employees (based on a written request of the employee and with the consent of the employer) of an unpaid leave (according to article 120 of the Labor Code).

Recommendations on occupational safety and health:

All measures taken by the employers regarding the safety and health at work that derives from the Law of safety and health at work no. 186/2008, as well as all the minimum requirements approved in the sense of the implementation of the mentioned law (eg: granting the individual protective equipment and taking other actions that are required, starting from the specific activity of the unit).