
Syndicalists threaten with protests if state authorities do not accept their requests



The Women Council within the National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova (NCTUM) threatens the state authorities with protests in case they do not accept and settle the proposals included in the Resolution of participants in the Forum of trade union women, adopted Friday, September 13, 2013.

The syndicalists address to social partners, decision factors, to undertake certain and urgent measures in order to restore the created situation by: fixing a single minimal country salary at the level of subsistence minimum; establishing single conditions of pensions calculation for all workers, including for those of agricultural field, through subsidizing the state budget contributions difference.

The Forum participants also requested the growth of child’s birth single allowances up to 5000 lei, the growth of allowance for child’s nursing till the age of 3, from 30% to 40% of the average insured income; implementation of the individual system of compulsory medical assistance insurances and personalization of 50% of the medical insurance reward paid by the employee, being used for the medical assistance of family members.

At the same time, within the Forum, Elena Carchilan, Deputy Chief of Trade Unions Labour Inspectorate, spoke about women labour security and health, which is one of major problems and an important component of the labour force potential.

“The employment domain registers sex discriminations regarding the remuneration of women and men. It is the result of many factors, especially, of employing women in fields in which traditionally predominate women (education, health), where the salaries are lower than in the sectors in which men ponderability is higher (constructions, transports etc.)”, Carchilan mentioned.

NCTUM’s Deputy Chairman, Petru Chiriac, declared that all legislation amendments, concerning the labour hygiene and security, are to the detriment of employees. “If we do not take a serious position in this field, we are going to have an increase of labour accidents. We must do all the best to help our employees, in order to avoid the labour accidents”, Chiriac said.

According to the statistic data, during 2012 in Moldova, 425 employees were involved in labour accidents, including 166 women, 32 of which were fatally injured employees, 11 of them being trade union members, including 2 women. Last year, near 49 thousand employees worked in labour conditions not corresponding to the hygienic-sanitary norms. It is 8% of the total number of employees hired by the units recorded by statistics, towards 3,7% in 2011. Near 28 thousand of the total number of employees activating in labour conditions not corresponding to the hygienic-sanitary norms, are women.

Trade Unions Informational Centre