Wednesday, on the 17th of Decemberof the current year, the leaders of the National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova (NCTUM) held a meeting with the Chief of European Union Delegation to Moldova, Mr. Pirkka Tapiola.
The President of the NCTUM, Mr. Oleg Budza, communicated on the activity of trade unions movement of the country, on the results obtained and the existing challenges inensuring certain conditions of decent labor for the employees of the Republic of Moldova.
“The Trade Unions keepup with their objective to major minimal salary to the level of minimum living wage; this would reduce migration of the population, especially of the youth. At the same time, it is necessary to modify juridical system through creating Labor Tribunals at least at three points of the country – in the North, South and Central part of it, and this would reduce corruption in the country”, Mr. Budza underlined.
The trade unions’ leader mentioned, that the NCTUM had combated informal economy, which had overtaken the official one by 50%. In the view of these concerns, the NCTUM insists on an urgent adoption and implementation of a new Plan of actions on governmental level to counteract undeclared labor and payment of hidden salaries.
The president of NCTUM also highlighted that an important factor in population welfare growth had been reduction of fiscal burden and exemption from minimum income tax, which would permit individuals to insure their subsistence.
In his turn, Mr. Pirkka Tapiola,the Chief of European Union delegation to Moldova, expressed gratitude to the leadership of the NCTUM for the invitation to this meeting and mentioned that the topics as well as the problems the trade unions had been combating were familiar to him, since his father had worked for 50 years in this domain.
“Our mission is the same as that of the trade unions, to make the population of the Republic of Moldova live better lives, and the leadership of this country shall create good living conditions, since further on the state is going to integrate into the European Union”, Mr. Tapiola concluded.
Informational Department of the NCTUM