Wednesday, June 15, at the Labour Institute was held a roundtable of assessment of the activities and results under the “Trade Union School of Moldova” (ŞSM) and “Trade Union School of Projects” (ȘSP).
The event was attended by the leaders of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM), presidents of national-branch trade union centres, representatives of the Austrian Development Agency, the Federation of Trade Unions of Austria (OGB), the Coordination Office for Technical Cooperation of Austria, Austrian Embassy in Chisinau and graduates of the “Trade Union School of Moldova”.
The fourth edition of the “Trade Union School of Moldova”, entitled “A step towards organizing labour rights”, brought together young people from national-branch trade union centres.
For nearly a year, on evenings and weekends, students have studied what is a trade union, what is the role and objectives of trade union organizations, the basic principles of trade union activity, the legislative and normative basis, motivation belonging to trade unions, management of trade unions, communication and negotiation techniques, strategies and tactics for recruiting new members, project management. They will apply the gained knowledge in trade union activities of daily living, multiplying them in educational activities organized by the trade union centres they come from.
Thus, the 21 graduates (13 of ȘSM and 8 of the ȘSP) developed and implemented 17 individual and group projects focused on various topics – from informing trade union members, organize training activities, receiving diplomas from partners of the project.
Oleg Budza, president of CNSM, said that education and training of trade union activists must play a central role in promoting a genuine trade unionism.
“Dissemination of information and knowledge acquired by the participants in the project are of fundamental importance for the Confederation and are meant to improve the image of CNSM and promote by all means solidarity, democracy, independence and teamwork of the trade union movement,” said the leader of CNSM .
In turn, Mihail Hîncu, vice president of CNSM, said that this project is particularly important for the labour movement, being innovative and unique for the former Soviet space.
“Education and training in the spirit of genuine trade unionism was the basis of this ambitious project. We believe that participants gained knowledge useful for their further work in solving socio-economic problems of enterprises they work for, but they also need our support, and that of the society,” stated Mihail Hîncu.
Sepp Wall-Strasser, executive director of OGB, project officer, said that “Trade Union School of Moldova” has managed to become a successful story in terms of continuing education for trade unionists in Moldova, aligned with European standards.
”Trade Union School of Moldova” was a challenge for us all. We achieved important results, but it is necessary to rethink a new format of this project to give impetus to the training of future trade union leaders. It is also required to put more emphasis on its practicality, but also working with trade unionists from territory,” said Sepp Wall-Strasser.
Gero Stuller attaché of the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection of the Austrian Embassy in Moldova, thanked the management of CNSM for fruitful cooperation and stressed that this project gets closer to European values and strengthen civil society.
Nicolae Suruceanu, Confederal Secretary of CNSM, said that the project “Trade Union School of Moldova” will continue, from own sources of CNSM, begining in September 2016 with the necessary adjustments received from the project participants, trainers and those who implemented it. “The fact that we are already at the end of the fourth year and we have 66 graduates of ŞSM and 8 of the ŞSP, demonstrates a growing interest in this project and the will of the trainees to strengthen their trade union organizations,” said the confederal secretary.
In total, during the four years of the project, the 66 graduates, including 8 of the ŞSP, developed 46 projects.
“Trade Union School of Moldova” was financed by CNSM in cooperation with the Austrian National Confederation of Trade Unions (OGB), Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and was conducted by the Austrian model of Trade union school. The basic objectives of the project are to strengthen the trade union movement, to develop functional, social and professional skills of trade union staff and strengthen the capacities of future trade union leaders.
More pictures can be seen here.
Photos: Nicu Bînzari