
Trade Unions requested introduction of some amendments and additions to the Actions Plan on minimization of informal work



Members of the National Commission for Collective Consultations and Negotiations (NCCCN) had Tuesday, June 24, a meeting within which they examined and approved a series of issues, among which the proposals of the National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova (NCTUM), concerning the modification and completion of the Actions Plan on minimization of the envelope salaries payment practice and the informal work. 

NCTUM proposed the increase of the minimal wage up to 60% of the rate of the average economy salary, the increase of the level of non-taxable income, the introduction of the individual accountancy contributions mechanism in the system of compulsory medical insurances.

With the purpose of fighting against the informal work, the syndicalists also proposed the introduction of fiscal stimulants for enterprises offering remunerations bigger than the average branch fixed ones, the promotion of electronic payments, organization of certain sensibility and information programs for population and other proposals focused on the respective phenomena.

The present persons discussed about the politics of youth employment, the actions organized by the social partners with the purpose of employing the young persons and the necessity of implementation of some efficient mechanisms, which would contribute to the decrease of unemployment among the youth.

At the same time, the members of NCCCN analyzed the situation, concerning the labour security and heath of the fundamental branches of national economy of 2013 in relation to the risk factors of the occupational environment.

Acording to the Deputy-President of the NCTUM Petru Chiriac, although the situation of the labour security and health domain registers certain progress, there still are some aspects which need to be solved together with the social partners.

Within the meeting, it was also approved the Activity Plan of the National Commission for Collective Consultations and Negotiations for the 2nd semester of 2014 year.

Trade Unions Informational Centre