
Trade unions require to protect the employees during the canicular period of time



National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (NTUCM) reqire from the economic agents of the Republic of Moldova to undertake all the measures provided by national legislation in respect of employees’ protection during the canicular period, so that these could not be affected by heat during their working hours

When the temperature outside is registered as high and it rises above + 30 of Celsius degree, then national legislation obliges the employers to provide minimal conditions for keeping the employees healthy.

Therefore, it is recommended to reduce the intensity and the rhythm of physical activities, working place should be equipped with a ventilation system, dynamic efforts should change the static ones, and periods of work should be also alternated with those of rest.

In this period the employees should be offered 2-4 litres of aerated saline or mineral water per a person, and they should be also provided with individual outfit protection clothing and shower cabins.

The employers, which cannot provide these conditions, under a common agreement with the employees’ representatives, have the right to decide on shortening of working hours during the canicular period.

NTUCM require from the competent authorities to organize control and take other measures to detect the breaches, and according to the legislation to punish those employers who do not observe legal provisions of the employees’ protection in canicular days.

To signal the failures in this respect, the employees and trade union members can address NTUCM representatives on hot line telephone number 0 800 800 20 (the call is free of charge).

Also, the citizens can address State Labour Inspection on the telephone number (0 22) 49 94 00.

Under the national legislation, the employers which do not undertake measures of their employees’ protection during canicular period, can be sanctioned with fines varying between  80 and 500 conventional units.

Trade Union Informational Center