
Women’s health in the radar of trade unions’attention



Our society needs women’s health to be put to the first place, since it is a direct contribution to natality increase and development of the country.  On the 18th of June 2014 Liuba Rotaru, the President of Women Council by the National Confederation of Trade Unions from Moldova  (NCTUM) declared this during the Forum of Women Council held under the moto „Women’s health in the radar of trade unions’ attention”

Participants of the Forum made an analysis of trade union activity and partners’ assistance in development of the Republic of  Moldova. It was also informed about the activity of  Women Committee by the Pan-European Regional  Council  of International Trade Union Confederation (PERC-ITUC) and about the companies, founded by ITUC. At the same time members of Women Council made an experience exchange with invitees from Romania, Russia,  Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia.

According to Liuba Rotaru’s words, this Forum was organized with the aim to make the authorities aware of the fact that the issue of women’s and mothers’health has to be brought out to light, and also in order to forward a number of suggestions for improvement of the situation in this domain.

”The state of affairs we observe in the country is deplorable, in particular that of the women, who give birth and grow up children in rural areas. The majority of them do not have a job or work illegally, the reason for which they cannot be granted any allowances, or these allowances are miserable.The claims and requests we had submitted earlier, have been taken in consideration, this being a significant contribution in favor of women, especially of pregnant ones. We are going to do our best for women’s good”, emphasized Rotaru.

Oleg Budza, the president of  NCTUM, affirmed that trade unions support women in their every action, targetted to enhance mothers’ living standards. At the same time  he required that maternity and child care allowances should be raised to a higher level.

In her turn, Tatiana Potîng, the President of National Comission on Collective Advice and Negociation, affirmed that this Forum is a real mode to state the existing situation in health care domain and what else needs to be undertaken to enhance women’s health.

Women Council Forum of NCTUM is being held in the period of  the 18-19th of June, 2014, in the Institute of  Labour from Chishinau.

Trade Union Informational Center