Poverty, poor economic opportunities, poor health and harmful habits, inequitable educational opportunities and access to information, reduced parental control as a result of parents’ migration – these are the main risks that compromise the opportunities and potential for the development of young people. The participants of the Forum of Young Trade Unionists communicated about it on Thursday, June 9, in Chisinau.
The Forum of Young Trade Unionists with the topic “Young people become a priority” is organized during 9-10 of June within the Labour Institute, by the Nationa Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM), to identify the main issues young people face and find solutions through dialog.
According to Petru Chiriac, vice-president of CNSM, over 111 thousands of trade union members are young, this means over 26%, and the problems they face are always on the agenda of CNSM.
“The situation of young people is more and more complicated. Low wages make them migrate. The capacities to buy a house are extremely low. We want young people to stay in the country, to put their creative potential value here and for this they need more support from all social partners”, mentioned Petru Chiriac.
Referring to the situation regarding youth health, Tatiana Zatîc, head of primary health care, emergency and community Department of the Ministry of Health, was alarmed by the indicators that show a difficult situation in this respect.
“Sedentary way of life and bad habits, increasingly common among young people, have negative effects on the medium and long term of the demographic situation in the country, especially in rural areas. It is necessary to develop health services to young people and to change mindsets,” said Tatiana Zatîc.
Tatiana Marian, president of the Youth Commission of CNSM, stressed the importance of organizing this forum for young trade unionists, as it helps to promote their ideas, activate young people in the country, their civic involvement, share of experience, accumulation of knowledge and skills that will be useful in their professional activity.
Young people have expressed concern about the numerous socio-economic problems they face, such as the situation on the labour market, high unemployment among young people, the inability to get preferential loans, the socio-economic protection at the workplace and mentioned about the need for more involvement of the authorities in youth policies.
During the two days of the Forum, participants will attend a series of interactive workshops where they will discuss the impact of migration, youth employment, social rights and guarantees, aspects related to the activity and the role of trade unions in promoting youth, will study the techniques of communication, negotiation and will participate in various trainings for personal development.
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Department of mass-media and international relations